AHOB Publications and Resources
Summary Time Chart[Download]
Quaternary chronology with key British sites, archaeological industries, palaeogeography, and major warm periods and ice advances for the past 700,000 years.
Workshop Proceedings
Project participants periodically gather to present their research and to discuss progress at a workshop symposium. Proceedings of those workshops are available here.
Homo britannicus
Read about the AHOB project in Chris Stringer's Homo Britannicus, published by Penguin Books in 2006.
Supplementary DataFrom: Preece, R.C & Parfitt, S.A. 2007. "The Cromer Forest-bed Formation: some recent developments relating to early human occupation and lowland glaciation."
* Database of Early and early Middle Pleistocene Water Voles (Rodentia: Mimomys savini and Arvicola) [Download file as PDF]
* Map of sites in the database [Download file as PDF]
Talks at the AHOB workshop held July, 2003 in London. From left to right: Chris Stringer, Russell Coope, Simon Lewis, and Richard Preece.
AHOB Publications
Hundreds of scientific papers have been published as part of the AHOB project. Here are three random selections:
1. Barton, R.N.E., Stringer, C.B. and Finlayson, J.C. 2012. Neanderthals in context: a report of the 1995-1998 excavations at Gorham’s and Vanguard Caves, Gibraltar. Oxford University School of Archaeology: Monograph 75. Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford, Oxford.
2. Stringer, C. 2006. The Neanderthal - H. sapiens interface in Eurasia. In Harvati, K and Harrison, T. (eds) Neanderthals Revisited: New Approaches and Perspectives. Springer, New York, pp. 315-323.
3. Stringer, C. 2003. Diagnosing Homo sapiens in the fossil record. Abstracts Systematics Association Biennial Conference Dublin: 24
Microfossils and AHOB
About the Happisburgh site
About Roger Jacobi(c) 2009, Ancient Human Occupation of Britain Project
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